
Emotional Support Animals Can Relieving Anxiety December 1st, 2016

Emotional Support Animals Can Relieving Anxiety

Contents1 What are Anxiety Disorders?2 How an ESA can Combat Anxiety Disorders2.1 ESAs are always by your side2.2 Physical and Mental Petting2.3 Distractions can be a lifesaver2.4 You Live in a Nonjudgmental Zone2.5 How Much Does a Polar Bear Weigh? What are Anxiety Disorders? Anxiety disorders are recognized as the most prevalent mental disorder among … Continue reading “Emotional Support Animals Can Relieving Anxiety”

What Animals Can Classify as an Emotional Support Animal? November 29th, 2016

What Animals Can Classify as an Emotional Support Animal?

Contents1 Dogs—Man’s Best Friend2 Cats— Man’s Perfect Roommate3 Pigs—Getting Piggy with It4 Horses— Hay Buddy5 Other Choices Emotional Support Animals, or ESAs for short, are pets that act as companions to alleviate symptoms stemming from physical, behavior, or psychological disorders. Although all animals may provide relief for their owners, ESAs are specifically prescribed to people … Continue reading “What Animals Can Classify as an Emotional Support Animal?”

The Health Benefits Seniors Gain By Having A Pet November 27th, 2016

The Health Benefits Seniors Gain By Having A Pet

As we have seen in other articles posted before, pets have a good way of treating symptoms stemming from psychological and mental disorders.  While not a direct medication or drug, pets ease the symptoms of their human companions. The elderly are no exception. This article intends to look at the specific ways pets can be … Continue reading “The Health Benefits Seniors Gain By Having A Pet”

How Pets Can Help You Live a Happier, Healthier, and Longer Life November 25th, 2016

How Pets Can Help You Live a Happier, Healthier, and Longer Life

Contents1 Pets have a direct effect on your mood2 Pets are a primary cause of activity3 Having a pet is a big responsibility4 Final thoughts If you ever had the chance to have a best friend in the form of an animal, you probably already understand how much fun that loving companion can be. But … Continue reading “How Pets Can Help You Live a Happier, Healthier, and Longer Life”

Differences Between Emotional Support Animals, Service Dogs, and Therapy Dogs November 9th, 2016

Differences Between Emotional Support Animals, Service Dogs, and Therapy Dogs

Contents1 Service Dogs2 Emotional Support Animals3 Therapy Dogs There are three main types of animals that act to help people in some form: service dogs, therapy dogs, and emotional support animals. A lot of times, people become confused on the types and interchange the services that these animals provide. There are laws also governing where … Continue reading “Differences Between Emotional Support Animals, Service Dogs, and Therapy Dogs”