Fair Housing Act (FHA) and Companion Animals December 13th, 2016
Contents1 Emotional Support Animals and FHA2 Reasonable Accommodations – What does that mean?3 Am I going to be be charged an extra fee for my animal? The Fair Housing Act is a federal act that is intended to protect somebody who buys or rents a living space from unlawful discrimination. Therefore, the landlord cannot refuse … Continue reading “Fair Housing Act (FHA) and Companion Animals”
Top 5 Things To Consider Before Adopting a Cat December 11th, 2016
Domesticated felines have not been around as long their canine counterparts, but they have been around long enough to be worshipped by the Ancient Egyptians (they molded the body of the Great Sphinx of Giza after the lion). Cats have been held in high esteem for many years and make a wonderful addition to any … Continue reading “Top 5 Things To Consider Before Adopting a Cat”
PTSD & ESAs – How Pet’s Our Helping Our Nations Heros December 7th, 2016
Contents1 Service Dogs:2 Emotional Support Animals3 The Animals and PTSD It is estimated that around 15% of veterans suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is a sizeable amount of the population. PTSD can be brought about a number way. Returning servicemen and servicewomen are susceptible to PTSD more than the general population due to … Continue reading “PTSD & ESAs – How Pet’s Our Helping Our Nations Heros”
AKC Title Recognition Program December 5th, 2016
Contents1 Alliance of Therapy Dogs (formerly Therapy Dogs, Inc.)2 Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs3 Love on a Leash4 Pet Partners (previously Delta Society)5 Therapy Dogs International (TDI) For the past few decades, the use of emotional support animals has gained traction for helping with emotional and psychological disorders. One of the animals commonly used by … Continue reading “AKC Title Recognition Program”
Delta Airlines’ Policy Change Concerning Animal Travel December 3rd, 2016
Looks like it may be a good time to travel with your emotion support animal. On March 1 of this year, Delta changed their pet traveling policy. Owners will no longer have to check their pets in as checked luggage, but rather, there are two options that owners have to choose from: in-flight or Delta … Continue reading “Delta Airlines’ Policy Change Concerning Animal Travel”