Univ. Of Arkansas And Support Animals February 26th, 2017
Under the Fair Housing Act, people with disabilities are not to be discriminated against due to their condition. This allows patrons who have Emotional Support Animals to have a fair chance at housing without being turned down due to their animal companion. But what is it like to live on a college campus and try … Continue reading “Univ. Of Arkansas And Support Animals”
A Man And His Bratwurst (Testimonial) February 24th, 2017
I grew up with no pets. Well, maybe a goldfish that I won from the fair. You could say that I am pretty disinterested in them. I am not scared of pets, nor do I have any ill feelings, just was always disinterested in having a pet. I mean, I liked other people’s pets. They … Continue reading “A Man And His Bratwurst (Testimonial)”
Why We Love Cat’s SO Much! February 22nd, 2017
Contents1 Catitude Problems2 A Study on Love3 Conclusion Domestic cats are theorized to have been alongside humans for the better part of 12,000 years. One of the latest discoveries found cat remains in the same tomb as a human in Cyprus. One of the major theories behind why cats are domesticated center around pest control. … Continue reading “Why We Love Cat’s SO Much!”
Mental Illness And Treatments February 21st, 2017
Contents1 Mental Health Treatments2 Choosing Pets The National Alliance on Mental Illness shows some haunting statistics: approximately 25% of adults in the United States suffer from some sort of a mental of emotional disability every year. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Another report looks at children affected. They report that the most … Continue reading “Mental Illness And Treatments”
How An ESA May Help With Depression February 18th, 2017
Depression is a serious diagnosis that sharply affects the person, more than just a simple bout of sadness. Before diagnosing somebody with depression, doctors look for symptoms that affect a person constantly for longer than a few days. A person is usually diagnosed with depression when they have a combination of the following symptoms: depressed … Continue reading “How An ESA May Help With Depression”