
ESAs And Children March 16th, 2017

ESAs And Children

Contents1 Obtaining an ESA2 ESA Benefits3 Picking the Correct ESA 4 Final Thoughts Adults and Parents often overlook emotional and psychological disorders in children. It is being reported that anxiety disorders affect one out of every eight children by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. It is troubling when children encounter symptoms of anxiety … Continue reading “ESAs And Children”

Anxiety Disorders In Children March 14th, 2017

Anxiety Disorders In Children

Contents1 Separation Anxiety2 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder3 Social Anxiety4 Causes5 What to do Anxiety is a widespread psychological disorder that affects many people around the world. Symptoms of anxiety can vary from minimal to debilitating. A lot of the times, older people find ways to deal with the problems. But what about the anxiety that occurs … Continue reading “Anxiety Disorders In Children”

A Guide To Qualifying For An ESA Pet March 14th, 2017

A Guide To Qualifying For An ESA Pet

Contents1 Disorders that Qualify You as an ESA Owner2 Official Letter from a Licensed Mental Health Professional3 Emotional Support Training4 Emotional Support Animal Co. Emotional support animals (ESA) provide companionship to people who suffer from symptoms of emotional or mental disability. The main purpose of an ESA is to offer emotional support to their owners. … Continue reading “A Guide To Qualifying For An ESA Pet”

Why You Should Pick Birds Over Four-Legged Friends March 2nd, 2017

Why You Should Pick Birds Over Four-Legged Friends

Contents1 Birds and Bathroom Maintenance2 Birds Can Speak3 The Ease of Living with a Bird4 Birds are Contained Animals5 No Risk of Overpopulation6 Conclusion When tasked with picking an Emotional Support Animal, often times people will pick a dog or a cat. What is the reasoning behind this? Maybe because they are familiar territory when … Continue reading “Why You Should Pick Birds Over Four-Legged Friends”

Emotional Support Snake February 28th, 2017

Emotional Support Snake

Contents1 Snakes Will Not Disturb you2 Easy to Care For3 Snakes Don’t Set off Allergies4 Snake Food5 A Warm Embrace6 Conclusion We have recently written articles on some of the animals that you can look forward to having as your Emotional Support Animal. Most of these animals include the extremely common domestic pets that you … Continue reading “Emotional Support Snake”